#vim /etc/hosts
-- hostname
The Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Protocol Analyzer in CUI
For CUI protocol analyzer,
-w : output file
-R : filter
#apt-get install tshark
#tshark -i eth0 -w `date "+%Y%m%d_capture.pcap"` -R "tcp.port==8080"
-w : output file
-R : filter
Friday, June 22, 2007
Maven with Eclipse A-Z
The simplest A-Z for Maven with Eclipse.
It's done. Then import the project from the Eclipse and enjoy ;-)
$mvn archetype:create -DgroupId=xx.xx.XX -DartifactId=AppName -Dversion=0.0.1
$mvn eclipse:add-maven-repo -Declipse.workspace=/home/user/workspace
#Move to the project root folder, then..
$mvn eclipse:eclipse -DdownloadSources=true
It's done. Then import the project from the Eclipse and enjoy ;-)
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
AccessControlException By Java
When you deploy the contents you might face the AccessControlException which is cased by java security manager. By Ubuntu packaged tomcat5.5, you can edit the policy file.
The example above is the most loose security setting.
$sudo vim /etc/tomcat5.5/policy.d/99examples.policy
grant codeBase "file:${catalina.home}/webapps/gprs/-" {
permission java.security.AllPermission;
The example above is the most loose security setting.
Ubuntu 7.04 Feisty Fawn
Hibernate cfg.xml file
hibernate.cfg.xml file not found issue is the one which troubles us often when we create the web app with hibernate. Here is the workaround code for this issue.
File file=
new File(getServletContext().getRealPath("/WEB-INF/classes/hibernate.cfg.xml"));
SessionFactory sessionFactory =
new Configuration().configure(file).buildSessionFactory();
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Ubuntu Java configuration
In case you need to change the version of java runtime environment which has been installed on you machine. It's simple as this,
$ sudo /usr/sbin/update-alternatives --config java
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Ubuntu cron
Crontab on Ubuntu doesn't work with normal grammer. You need to add.
command > /dev/null 2>&1
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Maven2 with Hibernate
Maven cannot solve the dependency regarding jta as it is released by Sun and based upon their binary license it cannot be deployed on the maven repository.
You will see something like this below.
In order to avoid this, download jta and deploy it onto your local maven repos.
You will see something like this below.
1) javax.transaction:jta:jar:1.0.1B
Try downloading the file manually from:
Then, install it using the command:
mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=javax.transaction -DartifactId=jta \
-Dversion=1.0.1B -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=/path/to/file
Path to dependency:
1) RssUpdater:RssUpdater:package:0.0.1
2) org.hibernate:hibernate:jar:3.2.4.ga
3) javax.transaction:jta:jar:1.0.1B
1 required artifact is missing.
for artifact:
from the specified remote repositories:
codehaus.org (http://snapshots.repository.codehaus.org/org/codehaus/mojo/),
maven.seasar.org (http://maven.seasar.org/maven2),
central (http://repo1.maven.org/maven2)
In order to avoid this, download jta and deploy it onto your local maven repos.
mvn install:install-file \
-Dfile=./jta-1_0_1B-classes.zip \
-DgroupId=javax.transaction \
-DartifactId=jta -Dversion=1.0.1B \
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Ubuntu webdav
The problem probably you face as followed.
[Sat May 19 13:20:21 2007] [notice]
Apache/2.2.3 (Ubuntu) DAV/2 PHP/5.2.1 configured
-- resuming normal operations
[Sat May 19 13:20:53 2007] [error] [client xx.xxx.xxx.xx]
Could not DELETE /davhome/show.txt due to a failed precondition
(e.g. locks). [500, #0]
[Sat May 19 13:20:53 2007] [error] [client xx.xxx.xxx.xx]
The locks could not be queried for verification against a possible
"If:" header. [500, #0]
[Sat May 19 13:20:53 2007] [error] [client xx.xxx.xxx.xx]
Could not open the lock database. [500, #400]
[Sat May 19 13:20:53 2007] [error] [client xx.xxx.xxx.xx]
(13)Permission denied: Could not open property database. [500, #1]
$ sudo touch /var/lock/apache2/DAVLock
$ sudo chown www-data /var/lock/apache2/DAVLock
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
NW setting of Ubuntu on VMPlayer
This is small note of how to set network setting of "vmx" for Ubuntu as it didn't work at the original one.
#ethernet0.virtualDev = "vmxnet" <- Comment this line as it doesn't recognize device.
ethernet0.virtualDev = "e1000"
#vim /etc/network/interface
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp
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